Wednesday 19 February 2020

Ways to get motivated on a Monday

Nobody likes a Monday morning or the general consensus is, a lot of us find it hard to get up and motivated for work on a Monday morning. If this is you, or you know someone who feels this way, here are some motivational tips.

Get an early night - Quite an obvious tip but it’s true, the sooner you get to sleep, and the more sleep you get, the more motivated you’ll feel in the morning. You’ll wake up feeling refreshed and ready for a new week to begin.

Read some quotes - Inspirational quotes are a great way to kick-start your day as it’ll give you the focus on your goals and what to aim for. You can have a little browse on Pinterest, or have a quote by your bed, ready to start the day with.

Set your goals - The best way to get motivated is making a list of what you need to aim for that day. It can be literally anything you need to do, and the satisfaction of ticking them off will give you the encouragement to work harder and harder. Once all or most are ticked off, you’ll feel fabulous.

Make a nice lunch - Food is a great motivator and if you’re a big foodie, then ensure you prepare a lavish lunch for Monday, as then you’ll work really hard to make your way to lunch time and enjoy it.

If you’re struggling with motivation, or can’t seem to feel inspired nowadays, check out the wide selection of inspiring novels at

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