Tuesday 11 September 2018

How Spending Time With Your Kids Helps Them, Part I

It’s becoming increasingly more difficult to sustain a family with only one income, which means it’s common for both parents to have full-time jobs. This, added with the rise of social media and modern technology means families are losing precious time they together, which has a negative impact on children. Never undermine the power spending time with your kids has on them and their health:

  • It improves the family communication. By spending time together as a family where you encourage communication you build strong bonds with each other. It’s important that your children feel listened to in their own home and by their parents. Not only this but it actually helps your children to express themselves and communicate with you in a healthy way. By promoting this environment in your household you decrease the chances of risky behavior in your children
  • Being there helps their self-esteem. By being present during important parts of the day like when they wake up, during their meals, when they come back from school or before bed creates a sense of security in your children. This helps them develop a positive self-esteem as well as reduces stress.
  • It’s quality time, not just quantity time. This article isn’t designed to make you feel guilty for not spending enough time with your kids when you’re working a full-time job. It’s not about the amount of time you spend with your kid, but the quality of that time you spend with them. Psychologist Laura Markham says that simply ten minutes of one-to-one time with your kid where you give them your undivided attention already provides them with many benefits. 

Taking the time to play with your child for a few minutes every night, having them help you in the kitchen when you’re cooking or simply reading a book with them before bed is enough to have a positive impact on their life. That is why you have multiple books from cooking to fiction on our online family library www.mediazide.com for you to enjoy with your loved ones.

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