Friday 3 August 2018

5 Inspirational Books To Brighten Your Day

When going through some difficult times, books can be a great source of positivity. Inspirational books can help us seek that motivation we need to make a change. If that’s the case for you, here is a list of five positive books that will help you see the silver lining:

1. Power Of Half- Kevin Salwen

We’ve all grown up hearing that we tend to be so focused on what we want that we don’t focus on what we have. ‘Power Of Half’ is an autobiography of Kevin’s life after his daughter asks him if a homeless man would have a better life if a man who drove a Mercedes had a worse car. This comment leads Salwen to question his lifestyle, so he sold his house for one half the size and donated half of the benefits to those who needed it most. From this action stemmed a ripple of similar actions that lead him and his family on an adventure around the world. This book questions the materialistic side of our lives and the real source of happiness.

2. The Courage Of Happiness- Colm O'Connor

It seems that the taboo that revolved around mental health has been recently lifted as more and more people feel confident to talk about their struggles to be happy. The journey to happiness can sometimes be filled with guilt and self-hatred. In this book, O'Connor addresses that and discusses the courage we need in order to begin our path to happiness.

3. 365 Days Of Wonder: Mr. Browne's Precepts - R. J. Palacio

Inspired by the success of ‘Wonder’, R. J. Palacio returns with this collection of precepts that celebrates the good and kindness of people. Introducing us to the teacher Mr. Browne we see what he believes the best qualities of humans are as he writes a precept for every day of the year. This book is great to have and read among family members and remember all the good people have inside them.

4. The Happy Closet - Anne Marie O'Connor

Recent studies have shown that too much clutter can lead to anxiety and high-stress levels. One of the places that cause this anxiety is the closet. In ‘The Happy Closet’ O'Connor discusses how to declutter and organize your closet whilst discussing the positive impact it has on your lives.

5. Becoming Myself - Sara-Jane Cromwell

Gender identity, the topic of transitioning and the struggles the transexual community face has found itself into more and more conversations. Cromwell documents her life’s journey into accepting who she was and becoming the person she wanted to be in this autobiography. It’s a truly inspirational story that sheds a light on the diversity within the LGBT community.

For other inspirational content please feel free to browse on our platform Our library has countless books that will surely brighten your day and inspire you to take the world by storm.

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